
Bayview Avenue Bridge Over West Don River (2019 – Ongoing)
Inspection, Evaluation, Recommendation
City of Toronto – Toronto, Ontario
The objective was to complete site inspections to confirm the existing conditions for this unique multi-span truss girder bridge, which was reconstructed in 1960. Existing drawings and background information were reviewed to identify fatigue-prone details. DDA personnel performed visual and non-destructive testing (NDT) to confirm any deficiencies. As part of the inspection assignment, DDA required the use of a BridgeMaster vehicle to get access to the deck soffit and structural steel members. Due to the length of the bridge (275 m) and the difficult nature of maneuvering through the structural steel, DDA was required to coordinate nine (9) days of overnight lane closures on Bayview Avenue to complete the enhanced inspection. A fatigue evaluation was completed by DDA in accordance with the Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code (CHBDC) S6-14. A detailed report was prepared for the client discussing the inspection methodologies, significant findings, the results from the fatigue evaluation, recommendations for rehabilitation work, additional engineering studies and the cost estimates.